Blizzard Entertainment launched Overwatch 2 globally on October 5, 2022. A hype train has followed the title since the beta phase was in full effect. The release of Overwatch 2 felt like a floodgate opening that resulted in people swarming Blizzard’s servers. The prequel, Overwatch, is a popular hero-shooter game that had previously successfully created a massive community under its wing.
Fans and players will have their favorite Heroes and cosmetics according to their preferences. But the most static preference remains for that of the crosshair settings. Crosshair is commonly used throughout shooter games and is called a Reticle in Overwatch 2.
There are several default options to choose from in the game. However, players can also tweak some elements to get their desired crosshairs.
Note: The list mentioned below is not a ranked list. It is a list that is subjective to the author’s choice and can differ from others.
Best crosshair settings in Overwatch 2
Crosshairs are a critical element in all shooter games. The element lets players determine their in-game orientation and where their abilities or bullets are focused. Without crosshairs, it would be challenging to shoot enemies standing still, much less track them through different map terrains.
1) The Dot Crosshair
The Dot Crosshair is a classic and heavily preferred reticle setting across multiple titles. It is a daunting challenge at the same time since a dot is considerably harder to keep track of in a colorful environment. Overwatch 2 is a movement-based game with not a lot of recoil control. It is important to have smooth tracking to take down enemy players. The Dot Crosshair is for players who wish to grind for headshots and challenging tasks. The small structure allows for it to aim closer to the head easily.
2) The Circle Crosshair
The Circle Crosshair is primarily best for Overwatch 2 Heroes that shoot out larger ammunition. This includes a variety of Heroes like Pharah and Hanzo, who use a non-shooter traditional weapon. This crosshair enables easy tracking for such heroes, allowing players to zero in on where their primary fire lands. Fans can also adjust the size and thickness of the circle according to their preference.
3) The Box Crosshair
The Box Crosshair can look like a funny reticle but can work as a substitute for the circle crosshair. Heroes using grenade launchers and bulky weapons can utilize this crosshair as the ammo size takes up a large area on the screen. An outline edge near large ammo in the form of a crosshair makes it easier to predict where to shoot, considering the bullet velocities in Overwatch 2 are not always high.
4) The Classic Static Crosshair
Players migrating to Overwatch 2 for the first time from titles like Riot’s Valorant and Valve’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive know this crosshair setting. The Classic Static Crosshair is a basic but highly effective setting. It will be easier for different shooter players to use this reticle setting to get used to the new environment a little faster. The familiarity a player can gain using such a tiny in-game element can also boost acceptance toward the title.
5) The Circle Dot Crosshair
The Circle Dot Crosshair is a precision yet wide area reticle configuration. It is super beneficial for Heroes who share a primary and secondary fire on their main weapon, like Soldier 76. The Dot helps the accuracy of primary fire, while the secondary spread shot can be handled using the larger circle on the outside. The gap can be set according to the player’s needs and even for different Heroes in Overwatch 2.
These are the first crosshair settings that can be highly effective for all players in the game. Seasoned players may use their preferred reticles, but the aforementioned crosshairs can bolster the ease of aim for players across the game.
Blizzard is trying to provide the best FPS experience through their newest title. Follow Sportskeeda for more Overwatch 2 guides, updates, bugs, and fixes we will cover regularly.
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