Baldur's Gate 3 offers a diverse setting that is teeming with a multitude of mysteries. Every area is concealed with spots that demand your efforts to unveil. Within these sites, you'll discover an exclusive range of valuables, weaponry, and equipment, along with opportunities to embark on extra missions. One such quest is called Destroy Mystic Carrion and to engage in it, you must first arrive at a place known as the Ancient Lair of Mystic Carrion.
The intricate locales within Baldur's Gate 3 possess numerous pathways. Therefore it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the correct route in order to reach the desired destinations. In the case of the location in discussion, following precise directions is imperative. This article provides the necessary information for a successful journey to the Mystic Carrion's Ancient Lair.
How to complete Destroy Mystic Carrion quest in Baldur's Gate 3
The Destroy Mystic Carrion quest unfolds in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3. Your chance to partake in it arises when you encounter Thrumbo within a residence situated at the location known as Hatch, marked by the coordinates X: 62, Y: 121.
Upon reaching the house, you will engage with Thrumbo, who serves as a servant to Mystic Carrion. He will then proceed to recount a harrowing tale detailing the malevolent actions perpetrated by Mystic Carrion against him and his companions.
Subsequently, in the course of your interaction, selecting the option to assist him will prompt him to discuss an ancient location. There lies a jar that contains the body part of Mystic Carrion. Following this, your journey to reach the Ancient Lair of Mystic Carrion will commence.
Steps to reach Mystic Carrion's Ancient Lair in Baldur's Gate 3
- Navigate to the Undercity Ruins by traversing through the City Sewers.
- Locate the designated spot indicated in the image above.
- Progress forward until you encounter a passageway.
- Enter the passageway to access the entrance of the Ancient Lair.
Steps to defeat Mystic Carrion in Baldur's Gate 3
- You will come across a Stone Wall. Employ your spellcasting abilities to destroy it.
- Once the Wall is demolished, proceed into the subsequent area.
- Inside the chamber, there's a table housing a book, read it.
- Upon reading, your Quest Journal will receive an update with a new task named Defeat Mystic Carrion.
- Near to you, another table holds a jar. Utilize your magical skills to shatter it.
- Head back to Thrumbo, engage in an interaction, and select the first dialogue option.
- This action will prompt him to drop an additional jar containing the heart of Mystic Carrion. After that, destroy the jar.
- Your next objective involves proceeding to Philgrave's Mansion, where you can eliminate Mystic Carrion.
Once you defeat Mystic Carrion, you'll obtain a variety of items, including keys. Collect these and utilize one of the keys to unlock the chest situated within Mystic Carrion's room. Inside it, you will discover a rare weapon known as the Torch of Revocation.
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