A circle has radius = 8
Calculate Area, Circumference, Radius, Diameter
Calculate circumference (C):
C = 2πr
C = 2π * 8
C = 16π or 50.2655
Calculate diameter (d):
d = 2r
d = 2 * 8
d = 16
Calculate Area (A):
A = πr2
A = π * 82
A = 64π or 201.0619
Final Answers
C = 16π or 50.2655
d = 16
A = 64π or 201.0619
You have 1 free calculations remaining
What is the Answer?
C = 16π or 50.2655
d = 16
A = 64π or 201.0619
How does the Circles Calculator work?
Free Circles Calculator - Calculates and solves for Radius, Diameter, Circumference, and Area of a Circle.
This calculator has 1 input.
What 3 formulas are used for the Circles Calculator?
What 7 concepts are covered in the Circles Calculator?
areaNumber of square units covering the shapecirclethe set of all points in the plane that are a fixed distance from a fixed pointcirclescircumferencethe perimeter of a circle or ellipsdiameterdistance from two endpoints of a circle through the centerd = 2roriginOn a two digit coordinate plane, the point (0, 0), where the x-axis and y-axis cross.radiusDistance from the center of a circle to the edge
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