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Complete list of all nations present in the game

FIFA 23 boasts a variety of national teams. The title features both men's and women's teams, and players can choose between them depending on the game mode they want to play. FIFA 23 is the franchise's last game under the iconic name, as the license between FIFA and EA Sports will expire next year. EA Sports has already announced that a World Cup mode will be available for the men's and women's national teams.

While the majority of national teams have been retained from the previous versions of FIFA, a few more have also been introduced in the latest iteration. There have been some removals as well due to licenses and other factors.

What are all the licensed national teams in FIFA 23?

Men's football

The men's national teams in FIFA 23 come with their new updated squads. During squad selection, they can be selected from the 'International' tab in different game modes. These national teams can be used for exhibition kick-offs and even in custom tournaments.

With the upcoming addition of the World Cup mode, more nations are likely to be added to this game version. Here is a complete list of all the men's national teams that are available in FIFA 23 right now:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil (Authentic kits and badges, generic players)
  • Canada
  • China PR
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • England
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Northern Ireland
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Scotland
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Ukraine
  • United States
  • Wales

One notable absence from the list is Russia, which has been removed due to the country's ongoing geo-political conflict with Ukraine. It remains to be seen if Russia will be added to the game in future patches to keep the authenticity of the FIFA World Cup mode intact.

Women's football

EA Sports forayed into women's football in 2016, but it did not add club teams to the franchise till now. Women club teams will be included for the first time in FIFA 23 with the addition of the Barclays WSL and D1 Arkema.

The teams will be usable in game modes like Kick Off, Online Seasons, Co-Op Seasons, Online Friendlies, and Tournaments. There are currently 24 club teams available for selection.

There are also some exciting women's national teams in the game. Just like the men's national teams, they can be selected from the 'International' tab during squad selection in different game modes. Here's a complete list of all the women's national teams that are available in FIFA 23 right now:

  • Argentina
  • Belgium
  • Brazil (Authentic kit and crest with generic players)
  • Canada
  • China PR
  • England
  • France
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • Scotland
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United States

It remains to be seen which women's national teams will be added as post-launch content. EA Sports has announced that the FIFA Women's World Cup will also be added to the game. However, it hasn't disclosed the dates of the mode. Many expect it to arrive right before the tournament kicks off in Qatar.

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