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Did Nanny Faye from the Chrisleys die? Rumor debunked as viral TikTok star passes away

TikTok sensation Nanny Faye has tragically passed away at the age of 98. News of the same was made public by her grandson on the video-sharing platform. He revealed that she died in October after battling numerous health conditions.

However, this has led to the misconception that reality star Nanny Faye, the mother of Todd Chrisley, has died. That is not the case. She is very much alive and is different from TikToker Nanny Faye.

Fans of the TikTok-favorite grandmother were informed of her passing on December 10, when her grandson took to the social networking site to announce:

“She got her wish. We didn’t get ours. From the very beginning nanny was really ready and wanting to go home and be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She talked about heaven and she didn’t want to go through this journey but was willing to do it. However, her prayers outweighed ours, because we prayed to keep her here.”

Her grandson also shared details of her final moments. He revealed that she had recently undergone two surgeries. Although they were a success, she eventually came down with pneumonia and suffered from “other complications.”

Faye’s grandson went on to add that Faye faced death "with courage. She said, “just let me die I’m ready. I want to go home. I want to be with my Jesus. I want to be with my Lord and Savior.””

According to Opoyi, the TikTok star had battled cancer in the past.

Everything to know about TikToker Nanny Faye

The TikTok account of Nanny Faye, @nannyfayeandme, has approximately two million likes as netizens adore her videos where she would often advise those struggling with their own issues. In several videos, she also addressed those who were worried about death by reassuring them that there was nothing to fear.

She often spoke about other philosophical matters, including faith and family.

One might confuse the TikTok influencer with Nanny Faye Chrisley, who appeared in the USA Network reality series, Chrisley Knows Best, as a mother who showcased her devotion to her children and family.

In the show, Nanny Faye Chrisley reportedly participated in numerous activities, including riding with a motorcycle gang, trying to find a beau, hitting the dance floor and also seemingly stealing the family car.

One might confuse the two as they have similar exciting personalities and same names. However, they are not the same. At the time of writing this article, no news of the telvision star Nanny Faye Chrisley passing away was available. Hence, it is safe to say that she is very much alive.

Tributes pour in as TikTok sensation passes away

Netizens were incredibly saddened by the loss of the TikTok star. Several internet users shared their condolences with Faye’s grandson on the platform.

Tributes pour in as beloved TikToker passes away (Image via nannyfayeandme/ TikTok)
Tributes pour in as beloved TikToker passes away (Image via nannyfayeandme/ TikTok)
Tributes pour in as beloved TikToker passes away (Image via nannyfayeandme/ TikTok)

Although an official cause of death has not been made public, TMZ reported that she must have likely passed away from natural causes.

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