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Here's How Much Bret Michaels Is Really Worth

Bret Michaels carries the twin pistols of being a for-realsies rock star, yet being articulate and presentable enough to be put on television on a semi-regular basis. His band, Poison, had its share of hits, and while Michaels himself has been known to maintain a solo career with a pretty hectic touring schedule, one might argue that the bulk of his name recognition these days comes from his various reality show appearances. As his IMDb profile reveals, Michaels has enjoyed his own Rock of Love show, as well as stints at Celebrity Apprentice and whatnot. He has also dabbled in acting, and as Andrew Leahey of Rolling Stone reports, he even tried his hand at country music, with a duet with Loretta Lynn and an album called True Grit. 

Does all of this sound like grasping at straws? If so, said straws might as well be made of gold, because according to Celebrity Net Worth, Michaels is worth a very respectable $18 million. With money like that, we'd probably be making country albums, too, just to see if we can.  
