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How to easily import faces and character presets in Naraka Bladepoint

One of Naraka Bladepoint’s standout features is how it allows you to customize all available characters and classes in the game as you see fit. With the battle royale now free-to-play, many new players are booting up the game on their systems and spending time going over all the pre-existing faces and character presets. Aside from customizing the characters in-game, you can also download and apply presets that other players have created and uploaded to the game.

This is one of the core character customization features available in Naraka Bladepoint. However, it appears many players are having difficulty making the most of the feature.

This guide will go over how you can easily import and use faces and character presets from other players and use them in Naraka Bladepoint.

How to import and use faces in Naraka Bladepoint

To import and use faces in Naraka Bladepoint, you must first have a photo of the image that you want to be represented in the game. This could be a selfie if you are looking to play as yourself or the image of any other face.

Ensure that the file is in PNG format, or else it will not work, and you will not be able to use the face in any way.

Once you have the image, here are some things you need to do:

  • Make your way to the Heroes Tab in Naraka Blade point, and then go to Main Menu.
  • Click on the customization options, which will allow you to create a “New Face.”
  • Upon clicking it, make your way to the Smart Customize option and click on the Select Button. This will allow you to browse through all the PNG files on your system.
  • Select the file you want to import, and you will have a version of the preferred face in the game.
  • After the face is uploaded, you can adjust it, and by pressing on the Generate button, you would have successfully imported the new face to Naraka Bladepoint.

Fortunately, if you are unhappy with how the imported face turned out in the battle royale, you can always edit it further by customizing features such as hair, cheekbones, lips, and chin. This will help get the perfect character for you to use within the game.

How to import and use character presets in Naraka Baldepoint

Much like with faces, you can download character presets in the battle royale. You will find many presets on Steamcommunity for you to choose from.

Once you have downloaded the preferred preset, you will need to"

  • Go to the Heroes tab from the main menu and select the Customization option.
  • Select an existing slot or create a new one for your character preset.
  • You will then be able to select and upload the character present that you have just downloaded.
  • After importing it, you can apply it to your characters in the game.

Unlike with faces, there is a limit to how much you can customize a preset. However, there is still a fair bit that you can do to get the character that you want in Naraka Bladepoint.

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