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How to rescale value to a specific range?

I'm trying to rescale a dataset of Rdata comprised between 0.17 and 0.00002589 to a range between 0 and 1. I would like the cumulative frequence to be equal to 1.

I tried to use the function rescale (from scales package) :

library(scales) t <-rescale(df, to = c(0,1)) #data go from [0.00002589:0.17] to [0.53:0.00004914] cumsum(t)= 4.24... 

How do I correct my data in order to have cumsum equal to 1 ?

Thank you for your help.

1 Answer

You could add

t <- t / sum(t) 

For example:

set.seed(42) df <- rnorm(n = 10, 1) t <- scales::rescale(df, to = c(0,1)) t <- t / sum(t) cumsum(t) #[1] 0.1740706 0.1740706 0.2575087 0.3652035 0.4523411 0.4935800 # [7] 0.6802913 0.7225612 0.9548573 1.0000000 
