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Jenna Jameson gained 20 lbs when she abandoned the Keto Diet for carbs

About a year ago, it felt like dozens of celebrities were promoting the Keto Diet as the best thing to ever happen to them. The Keto Diet, for those who don’t know, is a low-to-zero carb/high fat diet which… has some benefits if you have certain medical conditions, and you’re under the supervision of doctors and dieticians. The problem I had – and the problem Jillian Michaels had – was that Keto-followers were pushing this extreme diet as the latest fad, encouraging people to try it and giving testimonials about how it’s the only diet to work, etc. Non-Keto people were like: yeah, come back in a year and then tell me the same thing. The point being, you probably will see results quickly on Keto, but it’s incredibly difficult to maintain.

Jenna Jameson was one of the big Keto-defenders a year ago. She had gained a lot of weight with her last pregnancy, she went on Keto (and made her own Keto-diet food) and she lost a lot of weight. She devoted a lot of Instagram-time to shilling for the diet. And now, about 11 months later… she’s back on carbs and she’s gained weight. She wrote this on her Insta:

Confession. I’ve gained 20 pounds. Ugh. I decided to take a break from #keto and live my best carby life. The weight came back fast and furious. I know a lot of people are quitting keto because it’s hard to maintain and after a year and a half I concur. Not sure if I’m going to go back full force or just calorie count. What are your thoughts? Love you guys!

[From Jenna’s Instagram]

Yeah, it’s all fun and games until the mashed potatoes come out, or you suddenly want a big bowl of pasta. I feel like maybe the Keto-as-fad-diet thing is finally on the wane. Most celebrities seem to be talking up intermittent fasting these days, that seems to be the new trend. Anyway, to all of those Keto dieters who slide back into carbs… I’m not going to say “hahahaha,” because I’m not that big of a bitch. I will say “pass me the mashed potatoes” though.

Photos courtesy of Instagram.
