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The Chi Recap 08/23/20: Season 3 Episode 10 A Couple, Two, Three

The Chi Recap 08/23/20: Season 3 Episode 10 "A Couple, Two, Three"

Tonight on Showtime, The Chi airs with an all-new Sunday, August 23, 2020, episode, and we have your The Chi recap below. In tonight’s The Chi season 3 episode 10 called “A Couple, Two, Three’,” as per the Showtime synopsis “Ronnie finds absolution in the Season 3 finale. Meanwhile, Emmett and Tiff take a step toward their future; Jada offers advice; Trig plays his final card against Douda; and life events mature Kevin, Jake and Papa.”

The Chi the season 3 episode 10 airs at 9 PM – 10 PM ET on Showtime. Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Chi recap! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Chi recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s The Chi Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

It is Ronnie’s funeral, he died when he was shot in the head. Keisha goes up to Ronnie’s casket and places roses on it and says thank you.

Emmett asks Dom why did Ronnie has to be shot outside their restaurant, on opening day too. Dom tells him to shut up, the man is dead. Keisha tells Emmett she doesn’t know how to feel, he offers to be there if she needs someone to talk to. She tells him that she is pregnant. He says oh shit, it’s the first time a girl has said that to me and I’m sure the baby isn’t mine. He asks her what she is going to do, she says she is still trying to figure it out. The police arrive at the burial, they arrest Stanley Jackson. He keeps asking what is going on, they won’t tell him, they just read him his rights.

Emmett and Tiff are speaking about the wedding in front of their counselor. They are told that they shouldn’t enter into marriage lightly and not rush it.

Jake can’t believe Papa’s father was arrested. Jemma texts Kevin and tells him that she is there for him if he needs her. Papa is really stressed out, his mom won’t tell him anything and his father is the head of the household, does this mean if his father goes to jail he has to be the head of the household.

Douda finds out that Pastor Jackson was arrested for money laundering and he doesn’t want to go to jail, so he is singing like a bird.

Keisha is sitting with Jada, she says her mom wants to hold her hand through this, but that is not what she needs. Jada tells her she can ask her anything. Keisha asks what would she do if she was her. Jada says she had Emmett at her age and she has no regrets. Keisha says she is scared, what if she makes the wrong choice. Jada tells her that whatever choice she makes, it will be the right one.

Keisha tells Tiff that she is pregnant, she tells her that she and Emmett had to make a decision last year about bringing another child into this world, she should search for two weeks and decided she could only care for the child she already had. Tiff tells her to trust herself. Keisha thanks her, they hug.

Papa, Kevin, and Jake are in the pizzeria cleaning up. Pastor Jackson walks in and tells them that what they saw was a misunderstanding. Papa is upset and back talks to him, Pastor tells him to watch his mouth.

Roselyn walks into Camille’s headquarters and asks why she didn’t do anything with the file. Camille says that is not the way to win over Douda, and she is just trying to get back at Douda.

Emmett is dressed in his finest, Tiff is wearing a white dress. Jada gives Tiff her earing to wear, something borrowed. Tiff thanks Jada for taking them in. Jada tells her that she is glad that he found her.

Trigg and Jake are all dressed up for court, he tells Trigg that he doesn’t care what the judge says, he is his family.

Jada holds a bachelorette party for Tiff, she tells her that she is grateful that she stood beside Emmett and she feels like she gained a daughter.

In court, Jake tells the judge that he wants to live with Trigg and Imani. Otis doesn’t show up to court, so the judge votes in favor of Trigg.

Back at the pizzeria, Jake tells Papa and Kevin that he is going to quit. Maisha shows up, Papa gets up to say hi and smiles at her, she says she has a surprise for him. She bought him a necklace with an M on it. They both thank each other for being the one each other can lean on.

Emmett is expecting strippers and his friends for his bachelor party, his father brings him to a spa.

At Tiff’s party, Jada arranges for a female stripper because Tiff said she didn’t like male strippers.

In the spa, Darnell asks Emmett if he got a prenup and then he tells him to have Tiff get her tubes tied, they cannot afford more kids. Emmett tells him to stop talking. Two women walk up to them and ask if they are ready for their couple’s massage. Emmett says he is not into this, so Darnell tells the two women they are just going to have to work on him. Emmett returns home and looks at all the decorations, he tells Tiff that she looks like she had a much better time than him.

Douda won the campaign, Camille lost. Roselyn asks him why he didn’t show up to the custody hearing.

Kesha is at the doctor’s office, her mom is there and asks if she is ok. Keisha says she can’t do it. Keisha says she doesn’t know what she wants to do, but she knows she doesn’t want to get rid of this baby. She asks her mom, what if Ronnie’s mom had aborted him, then what would have happened to her.

Kevin comes in the house, Keisha is crying, she tells him that she is pregnant. He says with that crazy man’s baby, she can’t keep it. His mom tells him that it is not his decision, he walks out.

Imani makes dinner for Jake, he asks her what manslaughter means. She tells him and then she tells him that she killed her dad because he tried to kill her. She asks him what he feels about her being trans, he says he doesn’t care.

Papa is in church sitting in a pew, he leaves and goes home. His father is there, he asks him if he did it. His father says that he used the money to help people. He says he is not a bad man, just an ambitious one. Papa asks what kind of man will he be, his father says better than him and hugs him.

Jake gets up to leave the table, Imani says he has to clear up the dishes first, she did the cooking. She says that she is not trying to be his stepmom, but he will respect her. He goes to clear up, she thanks him.

Kevin goes to see Jemma, she tells him that she tried holding things in too until she tried to kill herself. She says her therapist helped her with that. Also, she told her therapist that she wanted Kevin to be her first, he asks her if she is sure about that. The two go in her room and they have sex, he asks her if it is supposed to be that quick.

Tiff is getting ready for the wedding, Emmett and Jada are already in the courthouse. Kevin and Jemma walk in and take a seat.

Trigg has a knock at the door, it is Douda, who walks in. He congratulates Trigg. Douda says he doesn’t have any hard feelings, Trigg says he has hard feelings, he tried to kill him. Douda offers to continue to pay for Jake’s education. He offers Trigg a job, he needs a man on the street to conduct his business. And, he skipped the custody hearing on purpose, if he was there, no judge would have given him custody. Douda says he can make some real money, he can teach him. Trigg says ok, Imani looks very disappointed. Trigg and Douda shake hands, Douda laughs. Douda is leaving, he turns to Trigg and tells him that there is a new sheriff in town.

In the courthouse, Emmett and Tiff say their vows, they are married.

We see Miasha and Papa, he buys her a necklace with a P on it.

Jake, Trigg, and Imani look happy together.

Kevin leaves Jemma’s house.

Kiesha is staring at the ceiling, she turns around in the bed, gets up and goes for a run.

