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Underwater design and release info

For the last three updates, Fontaine has become one of the best locations for the Genshin Impact community in terms of exploration and lore. With the highly positive feedback from players, everyone started wondering about the possibility of a themed Teapot realm for those who enjoy building and housing in the game.

Thankfully, leaks surrounding the v4.3 confirms a Fontaine-themed teapot realm for everyone. The only pre-requirement is to have the Teapot system unlocked and purchase the item necessary when it becomes available. The leaks show an underwater realm of three sections and swimming creatures surrounding the domain.

Disclaimer: This article is based on Uncle Teyvat and Vani leaks. Readers should take everything mentioned here with a grain of salt.

Fontaine Teapot leaks for Genshin Impact 4.3

Fontaine's Teapot realm for the Travelers has been leaked as an underwater realm. Players will be able to construct their world and invite party members, all by purchasing new furniture from Tubby. The following post is a leak from renowned sources Uncle Teyvat and Vani, showcasing the realm alongside the consumable item required to unlock it.

The leaks only showcase one image of the realm and the preview image in the "Switch Realms" section. While the post above is limited to the realm environment and the consumable item, the following post showcases a satellite map view.

The entire realm will have three significant lands where players can place their structures and characters. These lands will resemble the existing open world of Fontaine, with most of the underwater parts to be precise. This has also made players wonder if another Fontaine Teapot realm will be tied to the overworld.

How to unlock the Teapot realm in Genshin Impact?

A player must be at least Rank 35 to unlock the Teapot realm. The second requirement is the Archon Quest Chapter 1 Act 3, a New Star Approaches, where players must face Tartaglia in Liyue. Finishing this Archon Quest will unlock a World Quest involving Madame Ping called Teapot to Call Home: Part 1.

Realm unlocking item for Sumeru (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once the three steps mentioned above are done, equip your Teapot in the quick slot and interact with it to enter the realms. Furthermore, to obtain the realm for a new region, look for a particular consumable item in Tubby's shop, listed for 1000 Silver Coin.

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