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BeReal goes off at a random time every day between 9am and 11pm in your time zone. There's no specific time the app consistently sends the alert, but you can look at historical data to make a guess.
Is there a specific time BeReal alerts go off? Or, does everyone get the BeReal notification at the same time? If you're looking for answers to these questions---just like millions of other users of this app---you've come to the right place. Let's get your queries answered.
How Does BeReal Work?
Before you read any further, it's important to learn how the BeReal app works. It's unlike any other social media app you've used.
On BeReal, once you've signed up for an account, you get a notification asking you to post your photo every day. When the notification arrives, you tap it, which opens the BeReal app on your phone. Then, you take a photo with your phone's front camera as well as the rear camera. BeReal then adds those photos to your account, letting your friends know that you're "being real."
That spontaneous photo adding is probably the reason it's named BeReal. So you know that BeReal goes off sometime during the day, but what is that sometime?
What Time Does BeReal Go Off?
Unfortunately, there's no fixed time the BeReal alert goes off. The app sends the notification at a random time every day, and it can happen in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Depending on your and your friends' respective time zones, you may get a notification at the same moment as them or at another.
While there's no specific time BeReal goes off, some users have collected past data to find the common times the notification goes off in various timezones. One of these is the BeReal Time History site created by developer Devin Batene, which gives you the details as to when the BeReal alerts have gone off in the past 90 days.
Using that data, you can estimate when the next BeReal alert may go off, but you can never be sure of the exact timing.
How Many Times Does BeReal Go Off Each Day?
BeReal goes off only once every day. As a user, you'll receive a posting notification sometime during the day or night. If you've already got the alert, you can't expect another one on the same day.
How Much Time Do You Have to Post a BeReal?
Once you've got a BeReal notification, you have two minutes to post a photo using your phone's front and back cameras. This timeframe may seem short, but the point is you're expected to "be real," showing what your life is really like without the careful preparation and gloss that people often put into their social media posts.
Does BeReal Send an Alert at the Same Time to Everyone?
Yes and no. BeReal sends an alert at the same time to a single time zone. If you and your friends are in different time zones, you'll get alerts at different times.
What Happens if You Miss a BeReal Notification?
If you miss posting your pictures within two minutes of receiving a BeReal notification, and then you go ahead and upload your photos, BeReal will add a "late" tag to those photos. This tells your friends that you've been late in publishing your pictures.
If you wish to remain active on this app, it's a good idea to always post your spontaneous pictures within the specified timeframe after getting the alert. This ensures you're indeed "being real."
And that's all there is to know about BeReal's notification timing. We hope the information helps you out.