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Who is Griffin Kinard? NYC man punches woman on subway for asking him to take a 'chill pill', intern

In a recent viral video on TikTok and Instagram, a man identified as Griffin Kinard was seen punching a woman in the face while commuting in a New York City subway. The video, originally posted on TikTok by user Mayy Russell, crossed over 2.5 million views (as of October 28). It was later uploaded to Instagram, where it garnered similar views.

While the exact location of the incident is unknown, the New York Post reported that Russell claimed it was around 145th Street in Harlem the evening of Monday, October 25.

The disturbing video starts with the man exclaiming to the woman:

"Say it to my face now! Tell me to take a chill pill! Say the word, 'chill pill.'"

What happened in the video?

The enraged commuter punched the lady in the face in front of everyone else when she replied "Chill Pill" to him. A few people could be heard verbally protesting the assault. Russell, who was shooting the video, could be heard saying:

"You wilin', she a female!"

Meanwhile, the man can be heard threatening the woman again as he exclaims::

"Mind your business...say it again, I'm dealing with my f**king kids, you understand?"

While the video did not showcase the beginning or cause of the altercation, according to Russell, the man was already "tight off life" when he boarded the train. The NYPD is currently investigating the case.

Here's how the internet reacted to the assault of the woman on subway

Several viewers condemned the assault of the female commuter on the New York City subway. Many were riled up enough to demand his immediate arrest by the NYPD. Simultaneously, several tweets suggested that the woman should not have provoked the man.

Who is Griffin Kinard, the man identified as the assailant?

Griffin Kinard (image via griffin_kinard/Twitter)

As per the International Business Times, TikToker Tizzyent posted a video on the incident on his account, where Griffin Kinard's alleged brother identified him.

His brother reportedly commented:

"Unfortunately, this individual is my brother and his name is Griffin Kinard. My family and I don't condone this f**king disgusting behavior."

Griffin Kinard appears to be a freelance writer who lives in The Bronx, New York City. While his age is unknown, Kinnard is speculated to be in his late-40s to mid-50s. As per his Twitter, he was born on July 3.

According to Griffin Kinard's LinkedIn profile, his behavior on the subway seems to have been out of character. In his profile's bio, Griffin mentions:

"Going to school to better my life and with the hopes to better others."

Meanwhile, he also claimed to have worked with Youth Communications for 11 years (2002-2013), where he allegedly worked to advocate for injustice in the youth foster care system.

Griffin Kinard has also claimed to have taught mentally ill drug addicts while being associated with Mary McLeod Bethune High School in Georgia from 1999 to 2002. However, the position of his association is not mentioned in his profile. According to one of his pictures from six years ago, he has also volunteered with Bancosol Alimentos, a non-profit organization based out of Spain.

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